too lazy to look for an FX thread if we have one, anyone else watching Shogun? I quite enjoy and if you're on the fence, in the first ep, FX goes all in with some toplessness so high five tv execs and I would request the director's cut of Justified now where we get topless Winona, Ava, Jackie Nevada, hot bartender chick, etc.
Anyway, Shogun has 5 eps out and you should watch it.
too lazy to look for an FX thread if we have one, anyone else watching Shogun? I quite enjoy and if you're on the fence, in the first ep, FX goes all in with some toplessness so high five tv execs and I would request the director's cut of Justified now where we get topless Winona, Ava, Jackie Nevada, hot bartender chick, etc.
Anyway, Shogun has 5 eps out and you should watch it.
I went to this thread too because I don’t think we have an fx thread. Anyway, Al Bundy as Donald Sterling!
I’m 2/3 thru episode 1. Like it’s good but it sucks. It seems well done and I’m enjoying it but it’s very stereotypical shit. They make Sterling seem like an incredible racist in every scene but it’s kind of subtle. Al Bundy plays Sterling, and he’s fantastic. The part that’s bothering me is that they make DOC RIVERS (played by Furious Styles) out to be a living legend, and no one can believe an all-time great coach like him would even take the Clippers job.
This girl that plays V Stiviano is the malado girl from Last Man on Earth. I’m A huge fan. The actor is called Cleopatra Coleman.
Doc Rivers, racial activist. They make him out to be MLK on this show. And wears his own “Rivers” warm up jacket to the deli? And his dad is DAngelo Barksdake? Who writes this? 🥴