I heard a report that only 2% of Baltimore City high students are reading at a level commensurate to their grade. Most of them are a a K-2 reading level. And I also heard that the city schools wont fail them no matter what. Well some would argue that the schools are failing the students by not holding them accountable to learning their subjects. How are these losers going to be productive members of society? They wont. Just look at Wee-Bey. Nice work, Psaki.
Also, I heard that Baltimore City had 36 murders in January's 31 days, with only 2 arrests. its the highest murders in January in Baltimore since some year decades ago, when the city was double the population. So, its actually worst now.
My daughter told my wife "Happy black history month" this orning and then said that white people weren't allowed to go to school back in the old days. Nice little CRT you've got there, Iowa Public School System.
Phillyjim76: I would consider it a personal favor if you take a road trip to Boston for this event and live blog your thoughts on the board. You may attend in his place wolf if for some reason pj can’t go. TYIA