A Seattle middle school is investigating a teacher who parents say gave students a homework assignment that centered on a sexually explicit poem that referenced "white Hollywood."
The poem concludes:
I mean, how insecure are you, White Hollywood,
when diversity means placing Asian males in asexual supporting roles,
never getting the girl. I mean, I get it. You don’t need Viagra.
You can suck your own d--- because you got a colonized erection
A Seattle middle school is investigating a teacher who parents say gave students a homework assignment that centered on a sexually explicit poem that referenced "white Hollywood."
The poem concludes:
I mean, how insecure are you, White Hollywood,
when diversity means placing Asian males in asexual supporting roles,
never getting the girl. I mean, I get it. You don’t need Viagra.
You can suck your own d--- because you got a colonized erection
every single time you cast Asian women
as love interest sex slaves.
Ok. How stupid can teachers (people) be?
The teacher:
Not to mention, that's a fucking god awful poem.
Also, what does Mr. Mags have to do with this story?
do they develop mental illness because they are liberal? Or are they liberal because they have mental illness?
Also, anywhere in the article do they give what % of conservative women of the same age have mental illness?
Jim’s theory. Anyone who goes to the doctors with an issue can be diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Conservatives are more likely to suck it up
Conservative and independent women were basically half as likely to be diagnosed with mental illness.
There’s probably something to Jim’s theory. Anyone looking for a diagnosis of mental illness could get it pretty easily. Likelihood of seeking therapy may not have a direct correlation with political beliefs, but it seems reasonable to expect that a self-described liberal would be far more accepting of the idea than a self-described conservative.