Another question regarding the shouting box--does it not appear on the phone version of the site? Whenever I try to pull the site up on my phone I don't see the shouting box at all.
I can look into whether there's a setting to have it display on mobile browsers by default, but there is a way to make it appear. Scroll all the way to the bottom on your phone and in the blue footer section there's a "Desktop" link. That will switch you over to the full browser version and you'll see the shoutbox.
Another question regarding the shouting box--does it not appear on the phone version of the site? Whenever I try to pull the site up on my phone I don't see the shouting box at all.
If you switch to the full desktop site you can see and use the shoutbox. Bottom right of the screen is a link to "Desktop"
Not sure if it is exactly the case or not, but figured you'd all want to know.
The shoutbox stays active for 5 minutes from the time you submit a message If you don't enter a message, then even refreshing won't keep it active more than 5 seconds.
Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday? - Joy Behar
FYI for anyone who cares about such things... I've added most of the :: tags back for emoji shortcuts. Some of our old favorites like beatsme, mrgreen, corn, gay, and 19 should now work if you type the word in between the : tags. And if you pick the emoji from the list, you'll see the text in your shout before you hit enter. I assume some of you would have seen this eventually and figured it out on your own, but thought I'd share. OK.
Also I think this works in both shouts and posts, maybe.