I doubt anyone else - besides maybe UEM - is watching the Dumpster Fire on Youtube every week, but it's always enjoyable IMHO. This week's episode was no different, as the news cycle brought plenty of lunacy to make fun of. And while I've always been a fan of Bridget's BOOBS, I feel like the shirt she wore this week was doing even better work than usual. Strong rec.
Who do you like better, based on appearance and otherwise: Bridget or Gretchen?
I don't know who gretchen is outside of a kite nickname
Gretchen is @bubola on Twitter. She has giant tits. She's better looking than Bridget IMO. Bridget makes more "content" while Gretchen does nothing besides tweet that I'm aware of, so I guess I like Bridget more based on "otherwise". They're both fun follows who often tweet too much.
I don't know who gretchen is outside of a kite nickname
Gretchen is @bubola on Twitter. She has giant tits. She's better looking than Bridget IMO. Bridget makes more "content" while Gretchen does nothing besides tweet that I'm aware of, so I guess I like Bridget more based on "otherwise". They're both fun follows who often tweet too much.
Gretchen is a thousand times more "normal" than Bridget who disappears from time to time due to depression issues. Additionally, Bridget used to be addicted to heroin while, at least as far as I can tell, Gretchen's addictions include only mac-n-cheese and penis (not at the same time, but maybe)
Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday? - Joy Behar
Gretchen is @bubola on Twitter. She has giant tits. She's better looking than Bridget IMO. Bridget makes more "content" while Gretchen does nothing besides tweet that I'm aware of, so I guess I like Bridget more based on "otherwise". They're both fun follows who often tweet too much.
Gretchen is a thousand times more "normal" than Bridget who disappears from time to time due to depression issues. Additionally, Bridget used to be addicted to heroin while, at least as far as I can tell, Gretchen's addictions include only mac-n-cheese and penis (not at the same time, but maybe)
“ There’s nothing more un-American than contesting an election — especially from someone who stole the election in 2016. But don’t worry! He’ll have an orange jumpsuit to match his hair soon enough. All his enablers and supporters have been put on a list. We are appealing to Big Tech to work with us in silencing anyone who spreads this hateful propaganda. We hope to win the Senate majority so we can pack the courts, disarm the population and abolish the Electoral College. The threat of authoritarianism is too great and we must consolidate power so this never happens again.”
“ There’s nothing more un-American than contesting an election — especially from someone who stole the election in 2016. But don’t worry! He’ll have an orange jumpsuit to match his hair soon enough. All his enablers and supporters have been put on a list. We are appealing to Big Tech to work with us in silencing anyone who spreads this hateful propaganda. We hope to win the Senate majority so we can pack the courts, disarm the population and abolish the Electoral College. The threat of authoritarianism is too great and we must consolidate power so this never happens again.”
Agreed. This was my biggest laugh:
A child of no more than four years old grabs my hand and whispers, ‘Everything is going to be OK, Mommy.’ Did I tell you that you have a grandchild? We named him Hillary.
This was my fav line, bc its what they actually do.
So I’ve spent the last four years being the best ally that I can be. Posting truth bombs on Twitter; making #resistance stories on Instagram; screenshotting people’s tweets for Commander Ocasio-Cortez.